A recent article in the New York Times Magazine highlights the problems that people who had contracted Covid-19 still experience several months after their supposed recovery. According to the Times, long term symptoms include extended fatigue, trouble focusing, pervasive forgetfulness, heart inflammation, kidney problems, extreme chest pain, and others. Oftentimes, medical testing cannot detect the source of these chronic problems which may lead to a misdiagnosis.
Many of those who experience these extended symptoms are unable to return to work for months and may be permanently unable to work. Some are denied disability benefits because the source of the symptoms is not well known.
Follow this link to view and/or listen to the Times article: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/21/magazine/covid-aftereffects.html?searchResultPosition=2.
If you or someone you know has contracted covid-19 and find that you are unable to work as a result, you may be able to obtain Social Security Disability benefits.
Call the Minnillo Law Group Co., LPA at [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-REGULAR-NUMBER-4″] for a free Social Security Disability consultation.